What the fuck is Underberg? I don't even know. It's German and it comes in a tiny bottle wrapped in old-looking brown paper. It tastes like crap, but powerful crap, in a good way, you know, like Jagermeister and Killepitsch.
They've been making the stuff since 1846 using a super secret process involving 43 exotic herbs and aging in barrels of Slovenian Oak. But when you've overindulged and have pushed way too much pasta down your pate, the stuff hits the spot like no Rolaids can. Like the package says, "it cannot be explained - it must be experienced." (It also says Underberg is "not a beverage".)
Did I mention it's 44 percent alcohol?
I have some of this stuff but never tried it. My husband's Dad brought it back from his tour in Germany. I hear from those who have tried it that it works! I'll have to break some out next time I need a Rolaid!